Friday, January 23, 2009

Cell Phones

I was sitting in class the other day trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying when I saw someone pull out their cell phone, secretly of course, or so they thought. They pulled it out flipped the phone open and began pressing some buttons. I assumed checking their text messages. Then they began to type for a longer amount of time and faster. I have a cell phone and I use text so it was easy to see that they were obviously text messaging. After about 1 minute of texting they close their phone. A few minutes later I notice the girl take the phone out and look at something, but she does not start typing anything. This I assume is she is checking if anyone has replied. She closes the phone again. Probably about 45 seconds later she flips open the phone again and begins to type this time. She closes it again, then about 50 sec later she opens it up and begins scanning through it she isnt typing or checking for messages. She does this for almost 2 minutes then closes the phone. She repeats what I started with severa times. After about 20 minutes of this I was fed up with monoriting this girl monitor her cell phone. I admit that I have texted in class before but it was mainly to tell the person I was in class and would text that person later, and I didn't want to make them think I was ignoring them. I can remember numerous occasions when I ran into people texting in class. and what is funny is that I know the teacher knew but they didn't say anything. I do not know why, but maybe it will reflect in their grade. If the teacher did not notice they must have been blind. Sometimes they would say something if they saw.

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